The foundation of Abrantes will have been verified in the mid-12th century, the result of the need to defend the conquered territories and to ensure the active life of Santarém. At this time, his profile is strategically military, conditioning the implementation of the walled structure and Castle, in a place of difficult access, using the bed of the Tagus River as a natural obstacle. The river was the main route of communication and, therefore, an important river port was implemented. Here came, by land, products from alentejo that departed by river to Lisbon. On the way back the boats came loaded with the goods that were missing in this region.
Abrantes left his name engraved in the history of Portugal in several episodes such as the Battle of Aljubarrota and the French invasions, commanded by General Junot, to whom Napoleon granted the title of Duke of Abrantes.
Currently, the municipality consists of 13 parishes and its headquarters has evolved into a quiet city in the center of the country, seeking its expansion in the cultural and economic level, Abrantes does not cease to appreciate its history through the creation of museums that honor the past, as well as takes steps in the presentation of present and future culture, with the creation of galleries.

Economically, the base is based on the industry, with a predominance of metallurgical and metallurgical, highlighting Mitsubishi Motors, installed in Tramagal, and the recently closed Termoeletric a Pego Central. The agri-food industry also has a great weight in the local economy. There are also other areas that are expanding, such as the cork, wood, olive oil, wine and horto and agro-industrial crops.
The municipality has sought to develop in the industrial and business fields, supporting the creation of new companies. It is an example of this the creation of the Tagus Valley Technological Park, inspired by the concept of science and technology park, which materializes one of the biggest bets of differentiation and al strategic cance that the Municipality of Abrantes has been pursuing, in order to expand the capacity for innovation and value generation in the local and regional economy.
This Technology Park is managed by TagusValley and constitutes a complex of services where several companies operate. Thus, the municipality has centers for the production of skills and transfer of technical-scientific knowledge, while the municipality provides an attractive and differentiating municipal incentive framework, always with the aim of developing the region.
Agriculture, due to the fertile soils found in the region, also has a prominent place in the economy of the municipality and, to promote the producers of the region, was inaugurated in 2015 a market in the historic center of the city. Here, there are horticule products, fruit, butchers, fishmongers, bakery, pastry and florists, as well as local crafts.
At the level of leisure and tourism, the municipality is bathed by the Dam of Castelo de Bode, where the river beaches predominate. The highlight goes to aldeia do Mato, where some water activities are practiced. In the Tagus River, which bathes the municipality, there is also the practice of sports such as canoeing, in the dam that is surrounding the city.
Abrantes is located in the center of the country and, in terms of transport, is served by road and rail accesses that allow easy access to the main centers of production, distribution and consumption of the country. , which comprise three lines, allow to cover the entire urban area of the city. Served by the A23, the city is easily connected to other parts of the country, as well as Spain.
The gastronomy of the municipality suffers the riverside influences, beira baixa and alto Alentejo. From the menu we highlight the typical dishes such as cabbage soup with beans, stewed kid or baked in the oven, fish dishes of the river, cod roasted with migas; The game meats and the bucho. Accompany with the wine produced in the region. In the sweets, the straw of Abrantes, the bowls , the honey breads or the saints, the egg lamprey, the limes, the sweet chestnuts and the mulattos stand out.
Source: Abrantes Town Hall