Lourinhã is about 45 minutes from Lisbon. In this territory, with 142 km2, there are several places of interest for the approximately 26,240 inhabitants (2021 censuses), visitors and tourists who end up choosing to live in this county.
The municipality has easy access by car to the rest of the country and road transport network. You can find all the services necessary for your well-being and convenience.
Although the human presence in Lourinhã goes back to the prehistoric period, its foundation took place in the 12th century, bearing as a testimony of this fact architectural heritage of great historical and religious significance. whose high number denotes the marked religiosity of the local population, such as the Church of Santa Maria do Castelo, the Church of Mercy, the Convent and Church of St. Anthony; but also the Paimogo Fort, The Lima Fountain Park, the Lourinhã Museum or the Commemorative Monument of the 1st Centenary of the Battle of Vimeiro, where the Anglo-Luso army defeated the Napoleonic troops commanded by General Junot during the 1st French Invasion in Portugal.

There are several interpretations related to the origin of Lourinhã. One of them, however, tells us that it will be even in a Roman village that gave by the name of Laurinius, first name or nickname that, added to the suffix anum, which means "agrarian area", would have resulted in Laurinianum, which can be translated by Herdade or Casal do Lourinho. That Lourinho would be the owner of a rural village here.
The autonomy of the municipality of Lourinhã has remained virtually untouchable over the years. However, its extinction was enacted in 1867, by Decree of December 10. Popular opposition, not only in the municipality of Lourinhã, but in all those that were extinguished, along with the rebellions that broke out throughout the country as a result of the imposition of the consumption tax, caused the decree to be repealed. The municipality was re-established and Lourinhã survived as an autonomous municipality.
With regard to the history, importance and longevity of Lourinhã, we must not forget the attested existence and permanence of dinosaurs in this area, which makes the municipality a representative landmark of paleontology in the country.
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century began the great transformation of the village and municipality of Lourinhã, with the reconstruction of roads, construction of infrastructure, equipment, namely school, inaugurated the public lighting in the village, founded the recreational and cultural association "Recreational Club July 14", which brought together the most representative families and the Lourinhanense Philharmonic.

In the first quarter of the 20th century, the dynamics of development are maintained. The first newspaper is published and, with the implementation of the Republic, a strong political conscience emerges in the municipality. A civic association called the Democratic Center is founded, replaced by the Military Education Association and is witnessed by the creation of more institutions such as the Lourinhã Mutual Agricultural Credit Fund, the Sporting Club of Lourinhã, the Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Lourinhã and the Commercial and Industrial Association.
Due to its geographical duality, with an agricultural area occupying 80% of its territory and a vast coastline, the main economic sectors of the municipality are fishing and agriculture. Small business also has a significant weight on the county's economy.
The interior of the municipality, characterized by the rural landscape and harmony of its colors, has excellent conditions for a quiet and restful holiday, where you will find several tourist establishments in rural areas, where you can establish a direct contact with nature and agricultural life and practice various activities such as horse riding, tennis, mountain biking, hunting, minigolf, karting or walking the various trails and trails. Alternatively, you can take advantage of the 12km of coastline that bathe the county with magnificent beaches and invite you to practice water and water sports or other attractive activities such as sport fishing, spearfishing, underwater photography, surfing or jet skiing, among others.
The natural resources it has, together with the existing infrastructures, make Lourinhã a municipality where the sea, the countryside and the historical tradition merge without, however, being neglected the future, for which it is intended a sustained development and the well-being of its population and its visitors.
Source: Lourinhã Municipal Chamber