The archaeological remains and m municipalities bordering Mortaagua, date the occupation of this territory since the upper Paleolithic. and attest to the various times of the evolution of man and the peoples who lived here.
Mortaágua had a position as a charneira of several communication routes, giving rise to three divergent directions: Coimbra and the south of the country, Bairrada and Figueira da Foz; to Aveiro and Porto. It was in Mortaagua that these roads knotted, where they converged and took other directions, people and goods.
The climate of the region is characterized by tripartite influence: Continent, Atlantic, Mediterranean, which favors agro-forestry fitness.
Following the general trend of the country in its gradual process of development, the economy of the municipality of Mortaagua has undergone profound changes over the last decades. Mortaágua asserts itself in the 21st century as a municipality with economic activities focused essentially on the secondary and tertiary sectors, with a dynamic and diversified business fabric composed mainly of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. Despite the decrease in weight of the primary sector, the affective connection of the Mortaguenses to the land and forest is ancestral and remains alive and strong.
The forest, one of the largest in the country, is considered by all the mortaguenses "Ouro Verde" and gains increasing importance, extending throughout the county and marking green the landscape that is lost by looking at the ends of the horizon. is the most important economic activity of the municipality, with a huge and cross-cutting impact on the business fabric, job creation and household income at local level, but also at national level in terms of wealth production and exports of pulp and paper, pellets and biomass for energy production, being also responsible for the dynamic in Mortaagua of industries related to renewable energies, with characteristics of innovation and absorption capacity of highly qualified labor. The forest is therefore a strategic sector in local development, so its protection and preservation is one of the major concerns of the local population and the municipality that over the last decades has dedicated great investment to it, positive results.

The small size of the property, the ageing of the agricultural population and the consequent fall in the number of existing farms have relegated family , polycultural and subsistence farming to an increasingly secondary role in terms of labour absorption and wealth production, but of important complementarity in household income.
Embraced by the Serras do Caramulo and Buçaco, with the Albufeira da Aguieira at its feet, the municipality of Mortaágua has in itself a tourist space waiting to be discovered by those who like to enjoy the outdoor life and enjoy the varied treasures of nature that are still in a virgin state. Lovers of motor sports and contact with nature, it offers an extensive network of forest stouts that could be the scene of unforgettable adventures. Also the fans of the mountain bike find in Mortaágua several trails for the practice of this modality, traveling through landscapes that combine forest, streams and agricultural valleys. Living up to its name, water is a resource that exists in abundance. Running freely through hills and valleys, you can find numerous rivers and streams of crystal clear waters, which continue to move the traditional mills, and together with you hide and safeguard some native forest species, creating in some points waterfalls, small waterfalls and serpentine mazes, of great natural beauty where you can enjoy moments to baths.
There are many trails that invite us to walk among abundant and attractive vegetation and fauna, such as the pedestrian route signposted of the "Falls of Water in the Walls". Albufeira da Aguieira is an extensive mantle of water that offers those who visit paradisiacal corners and worth discovering. In addition to the beauty of the jagged and wooded edges, small islets and anchorages, Albufeira da Aguieira offers unique conditions for the practice of water sports such as sailing, canoeing, rowing and water sky, being inclusively sought after for stages of athletes and national and international teams, and also for simple boat trips.
The landscape is humanized by our precious people who populate villages that combine modernity with genuine rurality, preserving the built heritage, in which shale is present, and preserving the cultural identity of the region.
Associated with the Battle of Buçaco arises in the gastronomy of Mortaagua a traditional dish - lampantana. A dish made with sheep meat and wine, served in clay wine, a traditional piece of local crafts, and whose "secrets" of seasoning and texture have been wisely guarded and perpetuated to this day. the Municipality holds annually the event "Lampantana Weekend", which takes place on the last weekend of October. For dessert, it is recommended the sweet rice, the horn cake, the pastel judge outside. Accompany your meal with the Dão wines produced here.
Source: Moragua Town Hall